A Quiet Kind of Love

I come from a matriarchal family.  We are strong women.  Fierce women.  Often, we are  loud women.    We are benevolent rulers of our familial kingdom.  Tight hugs.  Loud laughs.  The men of my family are typically quiet (with the exception of my Uncle Burl, who loves to tell a good story, long, loud, and full of dramatic pauses and grand gestures).  But mostly introverted.  Soft spoken.  Perhaps one begats the other?  Maybe the men, outnumbered, learned long ago that they would have to fightView full post »

My Little Pony

“If you eat your whole dinner, I’ll give you twenty dollars.” Daddy thought this was a perfectly safe thing to say to you.  You never eat your dinner, and never ever your whole dinner, and never, ever, ever your whole dinner in a restaurant.  But you did.  Last night, you did.  When Daddy handed you a $20 bill across the table, you reached your little arm over the empty chips and salsa bowls to grab it. “Can I get a My Little Pony now?” you asked, with excitementView full post »

A Man in Uniform

“I can’t resist a man in uniform!” My Grandmother would say, with a twinkle in her eye and a playful shrug of her shoulder.  She meant my grandfather.  The sailor who picked up the handbag she dropped on a busy San Fransisco street.  The man who came home to her.  The one who was her everything.  I have to agree… There is something irresistible about a man in uniform.  But the uniform I love is tiny, and there’s a very small man wearing it.  I get weak in the kneesView full post »

I Want to be One

“Mama, I want to be one.” He said, his short arms clasped around my neck. “Really? Why?” I was surprised. That isn’t something you often hear from the youngest in a big family, they always want to be as big as their siblings. He usually does a pretty good job of keeping up with his brothers. “I want to be one. So I can be a baby. So we can be together always. So I can do it all over again.” Going to school this year has been great, but it’s beenView full post »

He’s Here

He’s here. In all of his glorious perfection. In all of my glorious imperfection. Making us the best versions of ourselves. Loving you. Every bit of you. New, perfect, you. SaveSaveView full post »

Big Change, Tiny Person

The great big change. The great big change, that such a tiny person can make.  View full post »

Coming Attraction

This sweet pup is about to be a big sister.  She’s a pretty big deal.  She knows it.A few years ago I photographed Ashleigh and Ryan’s engagement photos.  We trudged through the mud to a pond in my neighborhood.  A few months later, I photographed their intimate backyard wedding.  I packed my rainboots for the bride to wear, because it was raining when I left my house.  (She didn’t end up needing them, but hey.  She would have gotten married in the rain, no problem.  HerView full post »

A Day Out

My number one favorite place to photograph a family is in their own home.  My number two favorite place to photograph a family is…  anywhere else.  Anywhere that makes their eyes light up.  Anywhere that feels special under their feet.  The possibilities are endless, really.  Playground, ice cream shop, neighborhood pool…  Today?  The zoo.  One of my family’s favorites as well!Yes, he’s blowing me a kiss.  Heck yes.  I caught it.He really wanted his hands up…StillView full post »

Happy Birthday

If I’m ever on a game show, and the question is; “When should I hire a professional photographer?” I am going to slam my hand down on that buzzer like a boss and scream, “Family birthday party!”  With gusto.  With enthusiasm.  And I will win all the prizes.  Yay me!  Family birthday parties are the PERFECT time to hire a professional photographer, friends.  Perfect.  It’s the day when all of the people that you love the most in the world are all in the sameView full post »